Friday, September 4, 2009

Steal command complete!

After quite a bit of work, I have a complete (and very well functioning) steal command for the thief in combat!

Each monster has a chance for one of two items that a player can steal from them, normal steal and a rare steal. The standard formula is a little over 20% chance at a normal item steal and a 3% chance at a rare steal. Rare items are usually pretty high caliber and make the game a bit easier if you can net one, hence the 3% chance.

Now for the coolest part. I've created the system to check if the thief is wearing a special accessory that can be upgraded during the game (by up to three levels) that will improve his chance to steal! The final upgrade will ultimately put the thief's normal steal chance at 50% and the rare item at 20%! It was a lot of work, but it was worth it! Hopefully this work won't go to waste, and people will actually want to put the thief in their party.

I currently have a party selection system in place that is clunky where the player chooses what party members they want to use via a string of choices from the normal message window. It's ugly, but functional. I think this will be worked on next.

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