Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hard work is hard.

So, with the stability of a steady and decent job comes hard work and much less time for hobbies. The good news is that, in addition to being able to support myself comfortably, I have finally fallen into a routine with my new position and can start posting progress again. So with that, to the news!

BLACKJACK IS DONE! What a pain in the ass that was, too. It's finally done and working flawlessly, so the casino/minigame area in the game is that much closer to completion. More progress has been made on the main game itself as well. Below is a screen shot of the more calm area of bustling port town.

Sit on park benches... that's what all old people do, right?

Anyhow, it feels good to have progress to post again and for things to be finally settling back down to normal. I apologize for the delay between updates, but they should be reappearing with more regularity now!

PS. Dragon Quest 9 should be banned - what a production killer.