Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Puzzles are fun.


Puzzles are great.

Puzzles are rewarding.

Puzzles bring life to a game that would otherwise seem monotonous.

Puzzles make me do TWO HOURS OF CODING FOR ABOUT 30 SECONDS OF GAMEPLAY... haha. At least... reaction based/collision detection puzzles do. It's all worth it however, since it's little touches like that which make one game more memorable and entertaining than another.

In other news, steady progress is being made aside from puzzles. Another boss has worked its way into the game and another small area has been completed as well. I'm starting to get to the point in the game where the player has a far greater range of travel, so I'm beginning to flesh out all the small explorable areas here and there which sometimes hold nice items, sometimes money, and sometimes monsters.

I've always been a fan of games that give you the option to explore with a balanced sense of risk versus reward as I feel games that extremely linear games really only reward a player for going down an extra hallway. There's something to be said about killing a monster far before you should be able to with that one lucky critical hit and raking in the EXP, or going way out of your way to find an awesome weapon. Just makes exploring that much more fun.

Comments/feedback appreciated as usual. One doesn't need to register to comment, by the way!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Systems and progress and soundtracks, oh my!

So, after quite a long while with no updates, quite a lot of news has been stored up, and quite a lot of writing will be done to cover all the topics. Quite? Quite!

Onto the first topic, the new soundtrack! I decided that the midi files that were packaged with the engine, while good, were not up to the level of quality I was looking for. Therefore I have gutted them and replaced them with a new soundtrack! Below is one of the themes of a bustling town. Quite an improvement, I must say... really makes me want to get back into composing, but alas! One only has so much time to spend on so many projects. Listen below!

On the theme of general progress, I completely reworked the old castle dungeon. Below is a shot of what it looks like now. You can compare it to the older, far more ugly screenshot in the post archives, and without a doubt the rehash is ten times better than the previous.

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Now we get to the new systems part of the post! A day in the life of a thief is never easy, especially when that thief isn't using any enhancement items to increase his chances of not being caught!

I've introduced a very simple system into the game where the brave and noble thief (read: cowardly and sissy) can attempt to pickpocket individuals who find themselves sleeping in public areas. That's right, Dexan is a MAN'S MAN, picking on sleeping people.

Anyhow, a successful steal can land you some pretty nice items! However, an unsuccessful steal can land you...

... right here.

After he lands himself in the den of soap finding, you will have to post bail for your blundering buddy to get him back into your party. Simple, yet fun.

Progress is unfolding at a nice pace, overall. Another town as you can see below has been completed, and things are moving along smoothly.

Expect more news on the project as things progress, and I'll try to think of things more interesting to say than what maps have been created where. Build that turtle fence!

New Design!

The blog has been redesigned courtesy of my wonderful girlfriend, who will also be putting her talents to work for a new title screen for the game.

All the juicy updates to follow tomorrow after formatting of the new pages is complete. Things are looking up for Reminiscence!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blog redesign coming soon!

The obligatory independent project developer "I'M NOT DEAD" post.

My lovely girlfriend is the artsy type, so she has promised to make a new design for the blog that will reflect the name change of the game, etc.

I have a whole list of new things to update about too, but I'll save that for the site redesign. Look forward to news soon!