Sunday, August 15, 2010

Steady progress.

You make a bunch of progress in your game, you've accomplished a lot, but there's not really much to update about other than to say you've made a bunch more maps and completed some areas...

That's how it's going with me and this project. I accomplish lots, but there's really not much to update in blog form that won't eventually get tiresome. You can only say you've completed another town, polished off another dungeon, or balanced the new set of encounters in the next area so many times before it gets really stale.

One thing that I can mention, however, is that I've got the party swapping system accessible from the ship completed! It's much nicer to be able to sail around and change your party than having to go back to the starter town, and I think it's always a nice touch when you can talk to your own party members when you feel like it. Or in this case, the ones that aren't currently in the party.

Yeah... that about sums it up!