Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Over 150 downloads!

So, when observing the fact that I am not a big name studio with lots of money to spend on advertising, I would say over 150 downloads (153 to as of 5 minutes ago) across the couple sites where the game is available is a decent success.

Thank you to all who provided feedback and reported the (surpringly few!) bugs. Most of the reviews in general were pretty positive, with the only minor quirks being the aforementioned couple of bugs, and a groan or two from some of the goatse talk (haha).

As far as the game progress is concerned, I really haven't gotten much of a chance to work on it at all thanks to working midnights (which destroys any semblance of a life one may have), classes (which take up a lot of my free time with homework), and my (lack of) social life. Having a girlfriend is a full time job in itself some... times... oops, hi Alice! <3

In addition to all these things, I just upgraded to Windows 7, so now I get to reinstall all my apps and all that other wonderful stuff. Not having all my programs readily available when I did catch some free time was also a put off. I'll be a normal human being again here for at least a short while, however, so progress can begin again! Look for progress related updates soon!

PS. Which minigame would people like to see more? Some sort of racing/betting game, Blackjack, or a 1 on 1 arena style minigame? Let me know in the comments section!