Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Party selection window, fast travel option.

The party selection subscreen is now complete! MILES better than the original placeholder I had. It makes the game look much more professional, and makes party selection less confusing in general. The old ones are above, the new look is below!

It took a lot of eventing, around 30 variables, and a decent amount of switches as well, but was it ever worth it! With this setup, the player can choose any characters and the party can have between one and four members. If the player chooses to bring four party members, the EXP from monsters will be split accordingly. Conversely, if the player decides to brave the wilds with a solo character, that character will get ALL the EXP!

Now, onto the warp ring. I've decided that having to walk everywhere would be really annoying, so I incorporated a Warp Ring into the game. This ring is accessible via the menu, and will let you instantly warp back to any town you've previously visited (gotta love Yanfly, huh?). This of course is disabled in any maps that are not towns or the world map (which is currently very very small... I think I know what I'm working on next). Screenshots of the warp ring below.

Next up, world map!

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