Friday, September 25, 2009

Easy Type version and more.

So, while myself and quite a few others have played the game through and have only seen the above screen a couple times, I've had quite a bit of feedback regarding the difficulty level of the game. Some people say it's just right, others are saying it's way too hard. The game is difficult in the early going, but that's because your party are a bunch of brand new adventurers. One comment left by a person on RMN pretty much sums up what I think the issue is here:

"You should probably warn people that your game is hard though. I've been babied in so many games now, I've totally forgotten how to play properly. I died something like 10 times just because a bunch of slimes beat me up. Then I actually started using skillz and it all worked out."

Unfortunately, a lot of players don't seem to want to take it upon themselves to sharpen their gaming skills, instead just wanting an easier game. So, request and you shall receive! I'll be putting up a separate demo of the game labeled easy type. While I personally think that such a mode detracts from the game as a whole, I'm just the developer, not a player! So the more options people have, the more likely they are to play the game, and the more people that enjoy the game, the happier I'll be.

In other news, I'm currently creating a small minigame that can be played in one of the towns you can reach after gaining access to your rowboat.

War! (With a graphical twist.)

It works pretty much just like the real life card game of War, but rather than collect all the cards and add them to your deck, you just play in a best of 7 series. It also has a neat graphical overlay that real life War does not, and depending on how much you wager to play, you can win some pretty neat stuff!

Update - Naming Contest:

I've received some pretty good submissions for names, and so far the front runner is Reminiscence as not only does it sound like a good title for a game, it works to define the type of game this is as well. There's still 5 more days to submit entries, and I'll be taking them until then, so if you come up with something good (even if you've already submitted something), let me know!

2 Responses to “Easy Type version and more.”

Anonymous said...

I personally think the difficulty is good. Its hard in the beginning but like you said it should be since your party is brand new. I played to the end of the demo and sailed around a little and checked out the slot machine and in the areas were you can see the towns but not enter I didnt have any troubles with the monsters. So I think if anything you should just make the beginning a little easier but I got through just fine. BTW the wizard kicks ass sucks its a girl tho.

- Forgotten_Soul

Anonymous said...

she kicks ass, because she's a girl!

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